David Ayer, My New Kinda-Sorta Favorite Director

Okay, so, for many, David Ayer’s work is not new at all. He’s been around for at least a decade that I’m aware of, and he wrote some of the grittier cop dramas/thrillers that have come around in a long time. And I remember that the first time I watched Training Day, I had thisContinue reading “David Ayer, My New Kinda-Sorta Favorite Director”

The Untenable Podcast, Episode 25: Ruth Gator-Ginsburg

(Image: http://www.socialitelife.com/watch-benedict-cumberbatch-tries-some-hilarious-new-names-on-jimmy-kimmel-lives-01-2015) Hi, my name is Chad. In this week’s extended episode, Mike and Jay veer in and out of movies and gaming talk, often with some unhinged results. First, Jay laments the overall quality of of American Sniper as a film, eats another helping of crow, this time about enjoying the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, eventually recommends someContinue reading “The Untenable Podcast, Episode 25: Ruth Gator-Ginsburg”

Untenable Podcast, Episode 24: Wrap It, Before You Catch It

A new and appropriate use of the phrase “cold comfort….” In this week’s episode, Mike and Jay sit outside to record in their “natural studio recording experience phase” and are exposed to the elements, which annoyingly worsens Jay’s fragile immune system in the form of his allergies. Oh, and they also obsess over The Interview yet againContinue reading “Untenable Podcast, Episode 24: Wrap It, Before You Catch It”

Untenable Podcast, Episode 23 – The Inherent Vice Reaction Roadshow

(Image: http://www.vol1brooklyn.com/2014/08/21/morning-bites-the-inherent-vice-movie-roxane-gay-elena-ferrante-interviewed-wells-towers-nonfiction-and-more/) “You smell like pachouli farts…” In this week’s episode, Mike and Jay take a roadie to record their expectations and reactions to Paul Thomas Anderson’s newest movie, an adaptation of the Thomas Pynchon novel of the same name, Inherent Vice. They also talk gaming, as Jay discusses his experiences with Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.Continue reading “Untenable Podcast, Episode 23 – The Inherent Vice Reaction Roadshow”

Untenable Podcast MiniSode 3: Jay’s Ramblings and Tribute to Stuart Scott

(Image: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/17/stuart-scott-espys-jimmy-v-perseverance-award_n_5594242.html) “This whole fight, this journey thing, is not a solo venture. This is something that requires support.” In this impromptu SoundCloud exclusive, Jay reacts to the life and death of sportscaster Stuart Scott. While Jay has a tenuous relationship to both sports entertainment and the specific work of Mr. Scott, his death affected Jay.Continue reading “Untenable Podcast MiniSode 3: Jay’s Ramblings and Tribute to Stuart Scott”

Untenable Podcast, Episode 22: The All New ‘Get Off My Lawn-cast with Mike and Jay’

The porpoise for this meeting of the minds…Hashtag Wordplay In this new episode, Mike and Jay vent about some shopping, salesmanship, and moviegoing social faux pas, and then discuss some games on their minds. And speaking of faux pas, Mike and Jay might further alienate listeners based on geography, and they are unapologetic. They alsoContinue reading “Untenable Podcast, Episode 22: The All New ‘Get Off My Lawn-cast with Mike and Jay’”