Untenable Podcast, Episode 23 – The Inherent Vice Reaction Roadshow

(Image: http://www.vol1brooklyn.com/2014/08/21/morning-bites-the-inherent-vice-movie-roxane-gay-elena-ferrante-interviewed-wells-towers-nonfiction-and-more/) “You smell like pachouli farts…” In this week’s episode, Mike and Jay take a roadie to record their expectations and reactions to Paul Thomas Anderson’s newest movie, an adaptation of the Thomas Pynchon novel of the same name, Inherent Vice. They also talk gaming, as Jay discusses his experiences with Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.Continue reading “Untenable Podcast, Episode 23 – The Inherent Vice Reaction Roadshow”

Inherent Interest

Okay, so this week the first trailer for a film by a filmmaker whose career has made an impact on me, while simultaneously boring Mike to tears. That filmmaker is Paul Thomas Anderson, discussed at length by both Mike and I during our last two solo casts. The new movie is Inherent Vice, and adaptationContinue reading “Inherent Interest”