31 Days of Horror 2020, Day 16: The 16th Episode (2019)

I am notorious for my joy of found footage movies, even the bad ones. There’s something about a person with a video recording device of some kind that reminds me of my early years toying with home made movies with my GI Joe toys. That evokes a great time of creativity for me, something that can often be found in quite a few of the found footage titles available online right now. And I find it curious that the mainstream studios have the hardest time developing (and maintaining) quality found footage titles, to the point that they usually license or purchase them from independent outlets, like the first Paranormal Entity. So many of the ones that I enjoy are of the independent studio path. For some reason, they always seem to land better with me. Such is the case with this movie.

This is a movie that seemed so lame when I read the summary of it on Tubi that I couldn’t help but at least watch the first few minutes and continue if I liked it. Well, I liked what I saw and kept watching. And I’m glad that I did. It’s one of the few found footage titles that I have seen set exclusively in a foreign country, using locals as actors and the culture as a backdrop for the narrative. Doing so could in theory ruin the whole movie because of language barriers or cultural assumptions, but that did not seem to be the case for me here. This movie had a clear vision of how it framed the narrative and how to execute that vision. For me, it all worked. 

Published by untenablepod

Mike and Jay are two lifelong friends who originate from the Alamo City. They grew up watching too many movies, reading too many comics, mimicking too much television, and listening to too much music. One is a family man and one is...well, he's still working on it.

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