Untenable Podcast, MiniSode: Reaction Cast for Parks and Rec Series Finale

In this MiniSode, Jay reacts to the series finale of an office space comedy with a comedy pedigree that television may not see for a long time. As usual, Jay makes this all about him and he rambles on about his experiences with Parks and Recreation, from its humble and shaky beginning to its creatively satisfyingContinue reading “Untenable Podcast, MiniSode: Reaction Cast for Parks and Rec Series Finale”

Untenable Podcast MiniSode 3: Jay’s Ramblings and Tribute to Stuart Scott

(Image: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/17/stuart-scott-espys-jimmy-v-perseverance-award_n_5594242.html) “This whole fight, this journey thing, is not a solo venture. This is something that requires support.” In this impromptu SoundCloud exclusive, Jay reacts to the life and death of sportscaster Stuart Scott. While Jay has a tenuous relationship to both sports entertainment and the specific work of Mr. Scott, his death affected Jay.Continue reading “Untenable Podcast MiniSode 3: Jay’s Ramblings and Tribute to Stuart Scott”

Untenable Podcast, MiniSode 2: Terminator: Genisys Trailer Reaction

In this new MiniSode, Mike and Jay conquer time and space, and technology, to record separate reactions to the new Terminator: Genisys trailer reaction. Yes, the “conversation” is stitched together, so it may seem a little off, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying this new reaction MiniSode. https://soundcloud.com/untenpod/untenable-podcast-minisode-2-terminator-genisys-trailer-reaction