Untenable Podcast MiniSode 3: Jay’s Ramblings and Tribute to Stuart Scott


(Image: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/17/stuart-scott-espys-jimmy-v-perseverance-award_n_5594242.html)

“This whole fight, this journey thing, is not a solo venture. This is something that requires support.”

In this impromptu SoundCloud exclusive, Jay reacts to the life and death of sportscaster Stuart Scott. While Jay has a tenuous relationship to both sports entertainment and the specific work of Mr. Scott, his death affected Jay. The effect of Mr. Scott’s work and its impression upon Jay’s life and experiences with death and loss is explored in a rambling, congested, shaky voiced, and scattershot way that only Jay can deliver.


Published by untenablepod

Mike and Jay are two lifelong friends who originate from the Alamo City. They grew up watching too many movies, reading too many comics, mimicking too much television, and listening to too much music. One is a family man and one is...well, he's still working on it.

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